HR Advisor Job

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Date: Aug 28, 2024

Location: London, GB, W1H 6AZ

Company: Aramco Europe

Aramco is one of the world's largest integrated energy and chemicals companies.

Aramco Europe is headquartered in The Hague with offices across the continent. For over 60 years we have supported Aramco with a wide range of activities from facilitating safe and reliable delivery of energy to customers around the globe to pushing for breakthroughs in research and innovation. 

Our services include in-depth technology advice and support in established and emerging sectors of oil, gas and energy, as well as finance, HR, legal, PR and communications.

We work with the very best industry suppliers to drive our operations to secure our position as a world leader in energy and chemicals. 


Provide a full range of adv,sof)' services to AOC and Saud, Aramco ,noneor moreof the assigned Human Resources
areas nd pelf o r,n highly skrlled analy tical nd/ or complex adminim ,H1vc functrons to ensure the delivery oi high quality HR Services and programs

General Profile

  • Requires in-depth knowledgeandc perlence
  • Uses best pri!Cllces;ind knowledge of internal or external business issues to ,mprove products or services
  • Solves complex problems: takes a new pen;pect,ve usingex, tingsolutions
  • Works independ1mtl y, receives m1, nmal  gu i da11cc
  • Acts as a resource for colleagues withless experience

Key Responsibilities

Provide input to advise AOC/Saudi Aramco employees on functions of assigned HR area, ensuring that employees receive equitable treatment and receive HR advice and services as authorized
Provide input to advise AOC up to line management on functions performed. Ensure that actions initiated by the divisions are according to schedule and within policy
Collect and analyze information relevant to assigned HR functions. Research the design, impact, and implementation required for changes or additions to HR activities. Develop sound professional recommendations based on findings
Provide work direction to lower level professional and/or clerical staff in functional area
Perform other miscellaneous duties as directed by Supervisor or Senior Team member
Perform special projects, long-range studies, and related activities, which are highly technical in nature and may involve several different HR functions
Coordinate or perform line activities within assigned HR functional area

Functional Specific Responsibilities

Oornest1c HR

  •  Advise AOC m,111,igement    and    employees on Per onne, l  ssues
  • Es.tabhsh recruitment str,neg1esandHR Policies for  assigned area of responsibility
  • . Coo, dinat e Employee Ben(ifits Adm,n, trat ,on
  • Conduct personal and/ or telephone lr1tervi cws to determine qualific.attons, adaptabilit y, nd availability candidates
  • Promote viable candidates to proponent organrzat,ons and negotiates offer acceptance and target start d,,te with,c, ndidate
  • Provide staff support arid employee& superv,sor cou,, sehng

Domest ,c Recm it mem

  • Establish rea uitmen t procedures for as.signe d Mea cf re spons ib ili ty and tran slates strate gy Int o yearly recrui tment plans [incl. selectingrecruitment sources , •tool,s ta lcmcattraetion w,th a focuson employer
  • branding)
  • Conduc t. person,, i and/or t elephoneinterview to determine qualifications, adaptab ili ty, and ava il abili ty of candidat es
  • Promote \·iable candidates to proponent organ izat io ns andnegotiates offer acceptance and target start
  • dates wit h candidates
  • Provide staff support and employee f, supervisor counseling on recruitment •reiated rnatter
  • •    Commu nicate on a regular ly basis w ith the a,ss gned (apphcabieDivisron ) Domestic HR Advisor/ Business Partne r


  • Coordinate periodi c.payroll within AOC's orea of operati on including pension administrauon
  • Coordinate periodic CHS shadow payroll wit hin AOC's ar ea of operation
  • Ensure compliance for tax and social security within AOC's area of opera ti on
  • Advise AOC management on wage ta and social security related to AOC payroll and shadow payrolls
  • li ai e between AOC and exte rn al leg1slat1ve adv11ors
  • Prep are payro ll related entries for flnancial accou1ltlng
  • Reconci le payro ll rel ated balance ; heet accounts

Training ond Developmenr

  • Advise AOC management on employee tr3lningand education ! matter<;
  • Develop, implement. and evaluate formal and on -the-jo b tr aining programs for AOC and SLJbsidi11ry company employees and/ or Saudi Arab employees of Saudi Aramco
  • tF'ISure maintenance of the reiated systems
  • Deve l op ;ind m;i1i1t;i 1n company succession plans
  • Assist Saudi Aramco Management Development and Career Development Oepar1ments by locating host companie1 in Area of Ope:rat ion s


  • Re earch and design dr afr HR strategic; in support of HR Admlnlstrator and HR upervison
  • Perform special HR rela t ed pro jects, long-range studies, and related activities. which are highl y technical in nature and may involve several different HR fu nct ions
  • Collec  t  and  annlyze i formation relevant to cs.signed HR fu11ctions. Re;earch the design, impact, and implC"menta t ion req ui red for changes or addi tions to HR acrivitie; . Develop sound pro fessional recomrne11d ations basedon findings
  • Prov ide gene r al suppo rt to HR Adrnlrustra1or and HR supervisors
  • Manage HR budget cycle
  • Manage HR Cornm u,n 1011s (internal to employees)



  • Occasion,ill y with counterparts in  Saudi Ar amco and  sub$ idi ary companies
  • Occasionally w ith extern al com pan ies.indior consultants to gather info,mat 1cn for analy sesand/or studies
  • Occasionally wit h urnvers1nesand other academic/tramingmstitutions (depending on assigned function)
  • Fre quentl y withcandidate(sdependingon assigned funcll on)
  • Frequen tl y with embassy personnel (depending on assigned function)


  • D,a  ly within AOC to pr ovide adv,ce and consultation on assigned IR funct i ons, and to implement   POiic ies
  • Da il y w ith AOC and/ or Sa udi Ar amco employees rece,v,ng services from the function to resol ve prob lems
  • Frequently with AOC line managernen; m administering procedures and systems
  • Regular contac t with Recruitm ent and EEOi n Saudi Arabia (Employme nt Brandin g & Att raction department)


Bachelor degree (HR, MBA, International Business, or related field)
Bachelor degree in Communication, Graphic Design, Art or related filed (for Multimedia Designer)
Excellent English skills, both written and verbally
Excellent Dutch or other Language skills (depending on assigned function)
A thorough knowledge of HR policies and practices
Minimum of 5 years work experience as HR Advisor, preferably in a multinational enviorment
Experience in Adobe creative suite, HTML, CSS coding, UX and UI, Video editing (for Multimedia Designer)

Functional Specific Requirements

Required Competency Levels

[u,torner Focus
Jdent ify m g and Anr, , c pot l ng Customer Needs

  • Takes the  ext ra step to anticipatecustomers' needs and 1mmed1atel v takes action to resolve breaks in serv ice or mistakes to satisfy customers.

Cusrom i:r Core/ Service

  • Uncover scustomer s' hidde n needs or issues by asking insightful questi ons and developin g rapport; encouragesot hers to consider the customer's perspective in making decisions.

Followm() Customer Service Trends

  • Stays up to date wit h best practicesand inst itute s int ernal standard s wi thin depart ment to ensure high cusmmer service quality .

.\:.! t work1    rionshio Ma    
Seeki ng and Dev elop,ng Rela rionsh,ps

  • Gro ws relation shi ps with key organizat ional influencers and cvston1ers by build ing credibtl ftv and tr ust : leverages appropriate virtu al soc,al networ ki ng sites and/or professional organizations to extend networks.

Maintaining Rela t ionships

  • Gains the trust and respect of others; builds ar1d m a1nram s relat ionships and is easilv approachable wi thi n and across team .

Use of Networks

  • Collaborates with others across network of internal and external contacts to achieve goals across teams.

Init iative
Addr essing Gaps in Work

  • Contin uouslv r eviews personal (and team) res<Jl t s against desired standards and takes corr ect ive action to ensure success.

Ma t,vot lng and Energi zing Self and Other

  • Consistently display an outstand ing degree of involvement and engagement which inspires ot hers.

Self-Stort in9

  • Proactiv ely takes on additional assignmen t s to stretch own capabilities and contributes to ovefall team performance levels.

Tok ing Responsib1/1ty a nd Ownersh,p

  • Is aware of own responsibil ities and encourages colleagues to be this as w ell. whi le mainta ining a high level of cooperation.

Driving and Delivering Result s

  • Measu<es Mid  tracl<, (t  <illl  ) per  forrn, m ce  against goc1ls a no  e n courages   ream members to  contr ibute to achieving the goals.

Monog,ng Expec tar,ons and Working Through Secback,

  • Openly man ages other 's expectatio ns when completion of tasks is not possible or delayed.

Know in g the Bu ifH:'>
Understands Operat,onal and h nonc,ol Fou,o s

  • Dem onstr ates unders ta ndi ng of the business as a system(from marketi ng thro ugh de li very) and how all of the functions interconn ct.

Underst ands Company Products, Sl!rvices

  • Applie s in depth knowledgeof the organizaiton' s product/service offerings to deliver on department go ls.

Collecr5 ond Eva l:Jates Memcs/Daro to Determine Actions

  • Evaluate metri cs to underst and the potentia l impact of current business challenges 011t h e com pany' s succes.s.

Cr eativity & lnpov at ion
Generates Ideas

  • Cont inuo usly generates new ideas, methods, prod uct s or solut ions; acts on new 1<lea s, assessing and test ing nsks,

Fociliw i es Creativity in Others

  • Encourages others to openly sha,re build on, and challenge ideas,produc ts or solutions.

Seeks Oppo1w ni1ies

  • Regularly engages ,n new profects/ activities and pushP.1 p 1t custo111My practoses to address problems and opport1mlt ie w,t.h,n the team.

Required Competency Levels (cont)

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability.

Requisition ID: 560

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